Website Information
Some technical information about this website (in English)
This website was programmed in
PHP and is using
Cascading Style Sheets. The PHP and CSS files are made with an ASCII editor, without using additional software. A
MySQL Database is used for storing information.
This website uses:
- the jQuery javascript framework
- Easy Tooltip 1.0 - A jQuery plugin, written by Alen Grakalic
- jCarousel Lite - A jQuery plugin, written by Ganeshji Marwaha
- Slimbox 2 - A jQuery plugin, written by Christophe Beyls
- a modified CSS menu, created at
This website uses:
- A shopping cart icon from, published by voyeg3r and released as public domain
- A modified image of balloons, published by Crystal on Flickr, under a Creative Commons CC BY 2.0 license
- Product images by the manufacturers (including Widmann S.R.L)
- Some images (including those of the interior of the shop) by Jeu Lücker Fotografie from Tegelen, The Netherlands